The news had been deliberately kept confidential. The Greek composer Vangelis announced it himself via a press release: a musical project will be born around the project "Hopes" of Yannick Monget. Known worldwide for his film scores such as Hugh Hudson's Chariots of Fire, for which he won an Oscar, or Ridley Scott's Blade Runner, 1492 Christopher Columbus, Antarctica or more recently Oliver Stone's Alexander, Vangelis has signed in the past several musical compositions on the theme of nature, including the music of several underwater documentaries for Commander Cousteau, and space another recurring theme, which made him compose for NASA with Mythodea and ESA for the Rosetta mission. No information has yet been given on the exact nature of the musical composition that will be realized for "Hopes" except that this project will be complementary to the eponymous book and its numerous digital paintings that will allow the reader to travel in as many possible futures.
Update 2022
The project with Vangelis is still ongoing, but the Juno project in which Vangelis was involved, as well as the pandemic, have forced to postpone this collaboration to a later date.
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